Pick of the season: do not try to dissect

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

First run in my 25 years summarised

Ran in drizzle, mud and bottleneck
Place: Bedok Reservoir
Distance: 10 km
Time: 52.43 mins
Queued 1 hour and more for goodie bag
left the free singlet in locker room toilet

Feeling? exhilarating.


~g~ said...

ooohhh ... well done! Hope it was enjoyable along the way. The city to surf fun run is happening pretty soon here in Perth. Unfortunately 'fun' and 'run' don't go together in my vocabulary.

sevendescript said...

Haha.. I'm going for the city to surf walk... fun and walk sure go together in my vocab. =P


Fudge in mouth said...

Hallo the both of you,

yeah, too bad I can't be there for the city to surf. Im sure a lot of you guys will have fun with that.

In the meantime I'll just have to be contented with the running space here in small singapore. haha.


efarmer said...

At first i wanted to run the city to surf, but i see your time i scared liao and think i should just stick to chess and watching ppl run on tv.

Mishi said...

HAHA! eh that run sounds fun! charles n i probably running city to surf like last yr... =p

psyencex said...

52min is pretty fast for a girl