Pick of the season: do not try to dissect

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Muppets painted the ward Manila (III)- “I hear you.”

The Count was admitted today. According to him, he had lost his hearing abilities after a drinking party. He considers that seeing someone resembling his long-demised great- grand uncle a possible trigger.

“Help me please, I don’t hear the numbers in my head anymore.”

“How would you like us to help you?”

“Well, you can start by not shouting at me”

The doctors looked at each other. There was Dr Grouch, a psychiatrist in training, the psychologist and a clinical audiologist.

The Count stared back at them defensively. “You are confused.” but hastened before anyone else could insert a word,
“No! don’t speak or you will deafen me.”

The occupational therapist was called for. He wrote out neat instructions for The Count.

The next two weeks, The Count was set to the task of counting out pills for his fellow patients. Once in the morning and once in the evening. He also received typed out therapy sessions with the psychologist on coping strategies.

He was discharged soon after but with an outpatient appointment.

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