Pick of the season: do not try to dissect

Friday, August 10, 2007

TAG= Thanks Ah Germaine.
1.It dawned on me as I noticed myself trying/pretending not to see the tag. Much like the assignments/appointments/training i am meant to do/attend. But once immersed, it's not so bad afterall.

2. I am an irritable creature more of small things than flappable by the big.
Example: a strong wind can come blow off the roof my house and I will be there trying to straighten out the picnic mat beside it.

3. I am afraid of birds, snakes, skinks, barnacles and any animal that looks too complicated in its design.

4i. I am a social worker. I don't clean backsides, sweep floors and work for free. But even if my job scope did include that, i'd be proud of it. In fact, it may even help me explain my role better.

ii. Next year's Singapore Social Workers' Day celebrations will fall on 18th Jan, that which is also my birthday. The real date's the 20th Jan I think.

5. I have a phobia of retching and vomitting so even if I had the most intense stomache upset, i'd rather sit through it than do the above two. I can count with the fingers on one hand the number of times ive actually vomitted in my life.

6. I think the number "7" is overrated, to be honest.

7. I don't like waiting for my food. So if you let me choose between a middle range porridge buffet spread and deluxe french food that requires 2 hours to defrost before cooking into bite- sized things on huge saucers, 'that' being the apetizer before you gotta wait an hour again for them to change your cutlery and bring on the deckcard sized delish pink tasmanian salmon (i thought you said it was french),

I choose the porridge spread thank you very much. And don't scold me for taking the salted egg even though it's the cheapest thing there.

I tag... Abel (my bf), Joshua (kat's bf), grace (tim's gf), Liong Choon Chin (adeline's bf), Hui Hui, Jon Chia and gerard who apparently didn't respond to his previous tag right?


~g~ said...

Huh ... is this the 7 interesting facts tag??? I did respond to my tag, click here.

Hahahah ... I didn't recognise your photo ... with your red hair and all ... good to see you!

Fudge in mouth said...

hey Gerard,

haha.. oh yeah... and i do remember reading it earlier. Sigh. Im really late then. But thanks for responding.

This photo was taken a long time ago. My hair has now grown--- blacker. -Lou